Our service guarantee
We provide exceptional service at competitive prices.
Our number one priority is settling on time, which means we stand by our service, no matter what. If you have a problem with our service, we will solve it.
Why choose us
Friendly and efficient service
Excellent value for money
Industry game changers
Our flat rate pricing model has brought real competition to the industry. Chances are that wherever you go, thanks to us you’ll now be paying less.
Legal guide
Buying real estate in WA
We’ve helped thousands of home buyers complete the purchase of their new home. Follow our tips and let your sleepless nights be caused by excitement not stress.
- Nine simple tips for hassle-free home buying
- Detailed buyers’ enquiry checklists
- Understand the buying process from start to finish

Meet our team
We’re a law firm with more than 30 years’ experience in property law. As lawyers we can offer you so much more than a settlement agent. If there’s a problem with your settlement, it’s good to know that we, your settlement lawyers, can advise you of your rights and tackle the difficulty on the spot.